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Buyer's Compass
It is no longer enough to create and secure user identities. Verifying that the identity does indeed describe the individual it was created for is a valuable capability in many use cases, including authentication, remote onboarding, and enabling high value transactions. This Buyer's Compass will provide you with questions to ask vendors, criteria to select your vendor, prepare your organization to conduct RFIs and RFPs, and determine requirements for determining a successful Provider of Verified Identity.

1 How to use the Buyer's Compass

This KuppingerCole Buyer's Compass on Providers of Verified Identity provides information about

  • Use Cases
  • Functional Selection Criteria
  • Non-functional Selection Criteria
  • Technical Prerequisites
  • Organizational Prerequisites
  • Questions to Ask the Vendors

By focusing on the most important aspects of product selection during and RFI/RFP cycle, end-user organizations can more efficiently select the subset of available products to evaluate, based on the experience of KuppingerCole from our research and advisory services.

This document is not a complete guideline for selecting vendors but should provide an excellent starting point to streamline the decision-making process.

How to use it:

  • Identify your primary use cases.
  • Review the functional selection criteria – their weight might be based on the matrix of these use cases and the functional selection criteria.
  • Review the non-functional selection criteria.
  • Request information and rate the vendors on these criteria.
  • Ask additional questions of the vendors, as defined.
  • Define a shortlist of vendors based on the results and continue with the vendor selection process, with more detailed RFIs and PoCs.
  • Ensure that the technical and organizational prerequisites are in place.

There are related documents available from KuppingerCole. KuppingerCole Advisory Services can provide further support in the vendor selection processes.

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